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Looking to Start Your Own Garden?

See the "Start Your Garden" page


Exclusive Classes

Bring the lessons of your garden to your classroom, office,  or organization. Our garden teachers have prepared classes for all ages on many subjects. Together, we can deliver thoughtful and exciting lessons with hands-on demonstrations and take-home gifts to assist in your garden journey. What wonderful things can we imagine?

DIY Medicinal Tea Blends

$250 In Person 

8-15 students


$175 Online

8-15 students


Grow your own medicine with our class and learn how to make herbal teas that are tailored to fit your specific needs! You will be able to mix and match from a range of dried herbs to make your own cushion health tea that fits your individual needs. Take control of your health today by learning how to grow and use herbal teas!

Gourd Crafting

$250 In Person 

8-15 students


$175 Online

8-15 students

Image by Girl with red hat

Our ancestors cultivated and crafted hard-shelled gourds to store food, water and wine. Now a days, gourds of all shapes and sized are carved and dyed to create instruments, bowls, lanterns, and beautiful art installations. In this class you will learn to clean, carve and paint a birdhouse that will last you cam keep forever.

Free Gardening Classes

Santa Clara County Only

We Start Gardens teacher Derek Bryant is trained and Certified UCCE Master Gardeners and Master Composters. The mission of the UCCE is to teach the public research based best practices in sustainable agriculture. Classes can be taught in warm season and cool season vegetable gardening, herb gardening, container gardening, fruit tree cultivation, drought tolerant or native gardening plus more.

Note: requesting a class is currently done through the master gardeners site. Please follow the instructions below


Follow the link below to the "Request a Speaker" page on the UC Master Gardener's website


Click "Open Survey" and fill out the form


Ask for Derek in the Other Information field

Let us grow your green thumb

Santa Clara County Only

We Start Gardens teacher Derek Bryant is trained and Certified UCCE Master Gardeners and Master Composters. The mission of the UCCE is to teach the public research based best practices in sustainable agriculture. Classes can be taught in warm season and cool season vegetable gardening, herb gardening, container gardening, fruit tree cultivation, drought tolerant or native gardening plus more.

Sign up for Garden Mentorship

We can help you through your home gardening learning curve. Contact us for our garden mentorship program. 

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