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Our Clients Say

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"I've learned that there is healing in the soil. Everyone needs this healing"

Mama Jan, Chef

About We Start Gardens

We are rooted on the principles of food justice and independence from our fragile food systems. We are nourished by our elders who carry on the traditions and practices of our ancestors and our  children who this earth and its inhabitannts is theirs to care for. We are cultivators of courage and confidence in growing plants for wellness of the self and community.

We bring education to the community through partnerships


Derek Bryant

Past and Present Positions

Recreation Coordinator
(City of Santa Clara)

​Created and maintain the Cities first ever community garden program. I’m also lead administrator and developer for the volunteer program for the Parks & Recreation Division.

March 2018 - Present

Sales Associate
(Better homes and Gardens Realestate)

January 2016 - Present

Proudly serving Bay Area and outer areas with BHGRE Mason-McDuffie as my employing broker.I’m blessed to have access to the best technologies and marketing, the most up to date trainings, first-to market access to new homes, data on neighborhoods and trends, and professional and ethical practices and behavior. And for those who know me, knows the environmental work of Joseph Mason and Duncan McDuffie, knows the brand Better Homes and Gardens – can agree this firm fits me perfectly

(We Start Gardens)

May 2013 - Present

Head of marketing, accounting and operations for edible landscaping and consulting business in a niche market. Engage in a full spectrum of responsibilities governing the success of operations, business and brand development, and marketing initiatives. Created and manage the website, social media channels, operations documents and procedures, and promotional materials in print and video. Acquire and maintain relationships with businesses for recycled materials and with contractors or volunteers for bigger projects. Maintain relationships with over 50 customers for future up sales. Now WSG solely works contracted by several NGO’s to conduct summer and weekend gardening programs. I am currently seeking new programs and projects

Our Stories

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